I’m going to use this post to talk a little bit about myself. I work for the Fresno Bee, a leading newspaper in Central California. I started working here a few years ago as a summer intern during a site redesign. The Fresno Bee eventually hired me on as a part-time employee in the newsroom while I was still in school and eventually as a regular full-time newsroom employee.

Most other blogs that I’ve found are written by people who’ve had enough of the newspaper business and have decided to leave and pursue other opportunities. This blog will be a place for me to muse about the industry from my perspective as a web developer who’s not quitting. Though I’d be lying if I said I haven’t looked at job listings from time to time and taken some contract work on the side. Many of my musings will probably be critical, but my goal outside of this blog is to help my company put its best (webbed) foot forward and I’ll talk here about any progress I feel like I’ve made (or lost).