Now that TLS is free, there’s very little excuse to be running web services over plain HTTP. The easiest way to add TLS to this blog was through AWS Certificate Manager and its native CloudFront Support. But for a while, there was a problem. In order to use a free, trusted certificate from Amazon, I needed to be using CloudFront. In order to be using CloudFront, I needed to be able to resolve the name ‘’ to a CloudFront distribution. Since DNS doesn’t support CNAME records on top level names, that meant switching DNS service to Route53 where Amazon has a special solution for this problem they call alias records.

But there was a problem because Route53 doesn’t have DDNS support and I use DDNS to reach my home network’s dynamic IP address when I’m out of the house. And so I put this off for quite a while, mostly because I didn’t realize how simple DDNS really was and how easily it could be done with AWS Lambda.

Turning to the source code for ddclient, a popular DDNS client that ships with Debian, I found that DDNS amounts to nothing more than calling a tiny web API to update a remote server with your current IP address at regular intervals. Each vendor that provides DDNS seems to implement it differently, and so it seems there is no specific way to do this. But in all the implementations I saw, the design was essentially a magic URL that anyone in the world can access and use it to update the IP address of a DNS A record.

A picture was beginning to form on how this could be done with very low cost on AWS:

  • API Gateway (web accessible endpoint)
  • Route53 (DNS host)
  • Lambda (process the web request and update DNS)
  • IAM Role (policy to allow the DNS changes)

On the client side, the only requirement is to be able to be able to access the web with an HTTP(S) client. In my case, a CURL command in an hourly cron job fit the bill. I enjoy the flexibility of being able to implement and consume this as a tiny web service, but it could be made simpler and more secure by having the client consume the AWS API to invoke the lambda function directly rather than through the API Gateway.

I put some effort into making sure this Lambda function was as simple as possible. Outside of aws-sdk, which is available by default in the lambda node 4.3 execution environment, no other npm modules are required. Source code and instructions are available on GitHub.